Slow Week Recap – Being sick sucks

Just when I thought I’d hit a nice rhythm with my training routine and making nice progress, I come down sick. Why does the universe hate me? OK, maybe I’m being a bit dramatic, but seriously why did I have to get sick now.

Last week I had been feeling a little run down and maybe I should’ve taken it easier and had some rest but I thought I was just sore and had to push through. Guess, I was wrong.

Stayed in bed pretty much all day Monday and Tuesday and working from home the rest of the week. I do not think it was full on flu but a really bad cold yeah. I wasn’t able to take a deep breath without violently coughing, not to mention my nasal congestion. It was not a pretty sight. I’ve barely left the house but I am feeling much better thankfully. I’m still a bit short of breath and have some phlegm to get rid of but I hope to be back to normal soon.  I still blame this shitty weather for making me sick and unfortunately it hasn’t really improved much, less cold for sure (although not warm enough yet) but it’s still been raining a lot.

The good news is that even though I have not exercise at all this week. I have not gained any weight which I was worried about. Unfortunately for me I’ve never been one to loose appetite over being sick (not even with a stomach virus) so I have continued to eat normally. I even gave in to some “comfort food” cravings that for me was a 20oz Coke and a bag of chips (yum). However, I am ready to get back to working out and being active. It’s nice to stay in bed and I know that I needed this break to heal but it is so easy to fall back on bad habits. While I do enjoy working out, it is still a sacrifice to do it regularly and it’s something that I will continue to struggle with as I move forward on this journey. I won’t obsess about it though or feel guilty when I miss a workout but right now it’s very important that I don’t take too much of a break since I am still trying to get used to working out regularly as part of my life.

Hopefully by my next post I will be fully, healed and ready to get back to my normal routine.



3 thoughts on “Slow Week Recap – Being sick sucks”

  1. I’m glad you want to get back to it. That’s great! I’m sorry you’ve been sick but glad you are feeling better. This crazy weather is totally to blame!

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