Diet history and what I’m doing now.

Ever since people started to notice that I’ve lost some weight, the first thing I get asked is what diet am I following. Everyone wants to know if I’m doing the Atkins, or Paleo, or Keto diet; or if I’ve gone on a low fat diet, or tried a vegan diet, or even if I’m taking any medications or supplements to help with my diet. When I say I’m just eating better,  working out and not following any strict “diet”, everyone is always so surprised and almost incredulous to a point.  Continue reading “Diet history and what I’m doing now.”

Awkward Progress Pictures (3rd month)

So even though this has not been the most productive few weeks, I still need to keep moving forward and tracking my progress (no matter how small it may be).

The good news is that I have not gained any weight, however I haven’t lost any more either, which strangely makes me feel good. As mentioned on my previous post, I’ve been in a bit of a rut lately, not eating so good and having very little motivation for working out. This week, I did a little better with the food, however I didn’t get to work out as much as I would’ve wanted to but at least I got a couple of cardio sessions before driving down to Corpus Christi to attend a friend’s wedding. I had a great time seeing some old friends and celebrating the bride and groom so of course I had a few drinks and a slice of cake (no regrets here!) Continue reading “Awkward Progress Pictures (3rd month)”

Losing steam and getting back on track

I’m a bit ashamed to admit that I’ve fallen into a bit of a slump. At the end of January I got sick and in my attempt to let my body heal I might have fallen back into old habits. It’s been 12 days since my last post and since then I’ve only exercised four times, and while that is still good I haven’t really been making much of an effort with my meals. I’ve stopped planning my meals as I was doing and I haven’t been keeping track of my caloric intake (MyFitnessPal) which for me is a great tool. I’ve been busy at work so I’ve let that also affect my routine, which means I’m cooking less and ordering take out more or getting some fast food on the way home which would not be bad if I made better choices on the food ordered. As a results I’ve gone up a couple of pounds, which is not necessarily the end of the world, but it’s had a big impact on me mentally. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am and I feel like I’ve undone all of my progress in these past few weeks. Of course that’s nonsense, but it’s easy to feel like a complete and utter failure, even if you’ve already accomplished a lot.

Continue reading “Losing steam and getting back on track”

Slow Week Recap – Being sick sucks

Just when I thought I’d hit a nice rhythm with my training routine and making nice progress, I come down sick. Why does the universe hate me? OK, maybe I’m being a bit dramatic, but seriously why did I have to get sick now.

Last week I had been feeling a little run down and maybe I should’ve taken it easier and had some rest but I thought I was just sore and had to push through. Guess, I was wrong.

Continue reading “Slow Week Recap – Being sick sucks”