Quick Update

I limit the times I weigh myself throughout the week because I feel it’s too much stress. The past few weeks I’ve been struggling to lose weight so I’ve been stepping on that scale more and been disappointed every time. I’ve been fluctuating around 290 lbs for about a month now if not a bit more. I’ve been determined to push through that plateau and not let it deter me from continuing on so I’ve upped my training schedule and worked extra hard to eat better these past couple of weeks and it seems to be working. I weighed myself this morning and I’m down almost six pounds since last week. I’m now at 284lbs which is still a lot but it’s been years since I’ve been at this weight so I couldn’t be happier. Continue reading “Quick Update”


So after almost two weeks of traveling I’m back home. I’m still pretty busy so I had not been able to sit down and write and post something as I would’ve wanted but hopefully I can get back to my semi-normal routine soon. Lots of things going on at work, getting some more responsibilities, which is good but at the same time makes me worry. I can deal with stress, but usually that meant eating and eating and eating some more. I am an emotional eater and find comfort in food, which has been a lifelong struggle that’s hard to let go.

On one hand I managed to visit the hotel fitness center a few times during my travels, so at least I can say I tried to keep up some sort of exercise routine. On the other hand, I do not think I did as good with the food and drinks. First week I did OK, only having a cocktail (I’m a Vodka kind of guy) with dinner and keeping the snacking to a minimumĀ  throughout the day; but during the second half of the trip I attended a conference which meant lots of business dinners and lots of free drinks. In past years I’ve been guilty of overindulging, this year I did not take it too far but still managed to drink a good amount of alcohol during the networking events. I had been tired from so much travel the week before so I was glad to end the trip on a happy and festive note so I may have slipped a bit. Compared to other years I did excellent so I’m not feeling guilty and I’m proud of myself for showing some sort of restraint but I know I still have a long way to go before I can get through one of these events without falling back into old habits. At the end of the day it was a successful business trip and I had fun, so that is really all that matters. Continue reading “Progress?”

Another week gone

I’ve been extremely busy at work this week so my days have been long and a stressful, which is something that usually triggers my over-eating. I’ve been able to remain somewhat good with my food intake this week, not great but not horrible. I did have some sweets this week and a couple of glasses of wine last night but that’s part of life. I am not going to feel guilty about having a few “treats” from time to time.

Continue reading “Another week gone”