Starting Weight Review and Update:12/5/2017

So it’s been now a little over three weeks since I began this new journey and I have been a little apprehensive about posting about my weight besides a mention of it on my first post because I’m still somewhat embarrassed about it. I still can’t believe I let myself get to this point.

Officially, I began my “diet”, and I use that term loosely because it’s not really a diet and more of an overall lifestyle change; on November 13, 2017. I had just gotten home from a work trip a few days before and was feeling particularly tired and irritable that weekend when I decided enough is enough. I started researching some local gyms to go to and started looking into some healthy cooking/eating websites and cookbooks that could help me fix my eating habits which I knew is my biggest downfall. I also decided to finally quit smoking, which I should’ve done a long time ago

I hadn’t really weighed myself in probably over a month if not two, not since my last failed attempt at a diet so I was really nervous. What if my weight was worse than I thought it would be? Those who know me will say that I tend to be a little over dramatic but the anxiety I feel when weighing myself is real. Hopefully as I continue to move forward that anxiety will go away and be replaced by excitement.

Here are my weigh in updates so far:

11/14/2017 – 320 lbs

11/21/2017 – 318 lbs (Began workout routine after this weigh in)

11/28/2017 – 310 lbs

12/5/2017 – 305 lbs

3 weeks total: -15 pounds 

I am very happy with my progress so far and somewhat surprised too seeing how I still managed to loose weight the week of Thanksgiving. I know that it’s not always going to be like this and that I’ll see my ups and downs but that’s fine. This is not just a short term goal for me so as long as I don’t fall back on old habits it’ll be fine.

I still don’t see much change in my body, I know it’s going to take time and even though it’s only been a couple of weeks, I can perceive other changes. I am recuperating much faster after each work out, even though I keep pushing myself to the limit each time and I’ve also noticed that my endurance is slowly getting better and I’m not as winded when walking or going up a flight of stairs. I’ve been in an overall better mood lately, which is odd seeing how my whole body hurts but that feeling of being sore is actually quite gratifying. I am excited to continue on this path and starting to see those physical changes as well as improve my health and overall outlook on life.

Thanks for the support!

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