Holiday Party Survival Guide: Staying on track or falling of the bandwagon?

This past weekend was a very eventful three days. Not a typical weekend for us that’s for sure. My company Christmas party was held this past Friday, and while I wasn’t particularly excited to attend I have to say that we spent a really good time when it was all said and done. The following evening, we went to dinner at a popular Mexican chain food restaurant to celebrate my sister in law’s birthday and afterwards went to another holiday party at a friend’s house. We also were invited to another holiday gathering on Sunday evening which we decided not to attend since we were pretty much burned out after the last two days and I realized I had some work reports to do for Monday morning.

All in all, it was a great weekend but for someone that has recently embarked on a journey to reinvent himself it was torture. On the one side, I made it through without binge eating everything in sight as I would normally have done (including the delicious chips and salsa at the Mexican restaurant which was hard as hell). On the other side, I completely failed at moderating my alcohol intake, which is a habit that needs to be modified if I am to continue seeing progress throughout this holiday season.

Now that I know what doesn’t work for me, here are some things I learned that will help keep me on track and still be able to enjoy myself.

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Starting Weight Review and Update:12/5/2017

So it’s been now a little over three weeks since I began this new journey and I have been a little apprehensive about posting about my weight besides a mention of it on my first post because I’m still somewhat embarrassed about it. I still can’t believe I let myself get to this point.

Officially, I began my “diet”, and I use that term loosely because it’s not really a diet and more of an overall lifestyle change; on November 13, 2017. I had just gotten home from a work trip a few days before and was feeling particularly tired and irritable that weekend when I decided enough is enough. I started researching some local gyms to go to and started looking into some healthy cooking/eating websites and cookbooks that could help me fix my eating habits which I knew is my biggest downfall. I also decided to finally quit smoking, which I should’ve done a long time ago

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