Welcome to my new world!
Hello there! I’m Luis, an almost forty former engineer working, now small business owner and Real Estate Agent in Galveston, TX (originally from Puerto Rico) and now an aspiring blogger. Love to travel, dance, sing (not very good according to some), cooking and spending time with my family and friends. Proud father of two furry babies and husband to an amazing human being. I;ve struggled with my weight and self esteem for pretty much my entire adult life and am now I’m looking to focus on my overall well being and not just my profession so I can improve my health, both physically and mentally by letting go of old habits and making better choices.
My intent is to share stories of how I move forward with this new healthy lifestyle, the struggles and successes and everything in between while still being able to balance my full time job and personal life. I’ve spent too much time feeling sorry for myself and not being able to fully experience life because of how I look or feel. Life is too short to live with regrets.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it!
Find me on Instagram: @realestateatelier
Contact me here, or by email: luis.reengineered@gmail.com