FAT GUY IN A LITTLE COAT (the struggle is real)

Anyone who has seen the movie Tommy Boy will hopefully understand what I’m talking about when I mention “Fat Guy in a Little Coat”. In case anyone needs a refresher, here’s the clip from the movie.

PS. Everyone should watch this movie, it’s hilarious.

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Welcome to my blog!

My name is Luis and I am a 34 year old guy looking to change my lifestyle and improve all aspects of my life.

As I sit here writing this post and trying to find words to introduce myself while still being eloquent and “witty” I find that my life is not that interesting. I am a husband and father to two spoiled furry babies that works as a Sales Manager for a catalyst services company servicing the oil and gas industry. I know, sounds boring but it is actually a great job. The problem is that there’s not much else going on in my life besides work and our home life and as a result I have fallen into some very unhealthy habits. Since meeting my partner four years ago, I have never been happier on my personal life and once I landed my current job, my professional life became incredibly fulfilling as well. So what’s the problem? I got complacent and stopped taking care of myself. I enjoy food and cooking and making delicious treats for everyone so I have gained over 60 lbs in about three and a half years. I’ve always struggled with weight before, but never to this extent. At 320 lbs and maybe more than that this is the heaviest I’ve ever been.

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